Anita Shelton

Infant Bodywork

Infant bones need to be very soft and pliable.  In the womb and during birth babies are compressed which creates restriction in their musculoskeletal system.  In the womb, one side of a baby's face can be pressed up against the mother's sacrum during gestation, so that when baby is born the face has an asymetrical appearance. During vaginal birth the fetal skull bones override and usually release after delivery. Forceps delivery, vacuum delivery, very long or fast delivery and surgical delivery can all create restrictions in the fascial system of the newborn.  If these restrictions are not released your baby may have difficulty nursing, or feeding, have torticollis, spend time with their head turned more to one side, be very fussy.  As the baby grows s/he may have sinus congestion, a deviated septum, one eye that is less open, a lisp, an elevated shoulder, pelvic torsion, etc.   

Infant Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a very gentle form of bodywork.  The amount of pressure applied to the baby's body is equivalent to the weight of a nickle, yet because infant's bodies are so pliable this is sufficient to release myofascial restrictions and align the musculoskeletal system.  Babies may fuss during treatment, but it is not painful to them.  Most babies enjoy the treatment and improve after their first appointment.  

The advantages of having bodywork done on an infant are both immediate and lifelong.  It is much easier to correct asymetry in the infant body before the baby is sitting up, crawling, standing, or walking because the force of gravity exerts tremendous pressure on the skeletal system.  Infant bodywork is also often part of a successful breastfeedin experience as many babies are born with jaw tension that prevents them from latching well and effectively draining the breast.  This can cause pain, clogged ducts, mastitis, low milk supply and more.