Anita Shelton


As one of the facilitators of The 4th Trimester, a drop in postpartum support group, I know what new moms are dealing with in their physical recovery.  That puts me in a great position to practice preventive care for pregnant women.  Many, many mothers have difficulty with lactation.  Getting acupuncture during your pregnancy can clear breast lumps, strengthen your immune system, and promote the development of healthy breast tissue.  This minimizes the likelihood that you will develop mastitis and clogged ducts, and optimizes your milk.


For women who are having a smooth pregnancy, getting one acupuncture treatment per trimester optimizes healthy development of baby.  I also recommend acupuncture beginning at 36 weeks gestation for every woman, to prepare the body for labor and delivery (see the section below on Labor Preparation).


For the majority of women who experience discomfort during pregnancy, acupuncture has much to offer.  Acupuncture is a safe, effective treatment for:




Urinary tract infection


Back, neck and ligament pain

Placenta previa

Uterine or bladder prolapse

Threatened miscarriage 

Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR)

Breast pain

Low development of breast tissue

Anxiety, depression and Irritability

Low platelets


High Blood Pressure


Gestational Diabetes



If you have other complaints that aren't listed, contact me and I will let you know if I think I can help you.  With acupuncture in general, if the specific problem you are seeking treatment for doesn't get better you will notice improvement in your energy, well being, and other symptoms for which treatment is not being sought.